On January 5, École Centrale de Lyon participated in Safran Aircraft Engines (SAE) Research & Technology Day (R&T Day).
As a representative of academic partners, Centrale Lyon recalled during a round table, the three major areas of collaboration that exist with Safran: aeroacoustics, aerodynamics and dynamics of structures and tribology. The scientific skills of the School's laboratories and the expertise of Safran's technical teams make it possible to build comprehensive scientific programs articulated around chairs with ambitious scientific objectives which make use in particular of the Equipex PHARE platforms.
Two prizes were awarded to the Ecole Centrale de Lyon. The “Proximity” R&T prize recognized the quality of the training provided to Safran teams by teacher-researchers, researchers, engineers and technicians from the LMFA laboratory as part of the ARENA chair. The “Academic Support” R&T prize, for its part, honored the opening of the Junior Diderot Professor Chair, which will notably make it possible to bring out original and integrated simulation tools within a collaborative platform.
Finally, a stand "Centrale Lyon" presented our establishment to all the SAE personnel invited to this day, thanks to researchers and representatives of the establishment's management and its subsidiary Centrale Innovation mobilized on this occasion.
The research partnerships between Centrale Lyon and Safran will contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the future generation of aeronautical engines and are thus fully in line with the strategic axis “Decarbonization of industry and society”.