Coordinators: J. Boudet and O. Dessombz
This option seeks to instil in students the knowledge and expertise needed in the design of an aircraft.
Aeronautics is a sector that encapsulates a large variety of subject matters. Under this option, students demarcate their own path among the following fields: aerodynamics, acoustics, automation, materials and structural mechanics.
This specialisation option revolves around project-based work. Engineering students are expected to eventually present academic knowledge that incorporates elements specific to the sector and from other fields. Based on the simplified design of a business jet (common project), different projects begin to focus on a component (turbojet, aerofoils, fuselage, etc.) or on an issue (acoustics, materials, controls, etc.) to create an aircraft that is more energy efficient, has lower emissions or is quieter.
To find out more, please see the programme for this option (in French).