Elective subjects cover the final three semesters (latter half of second year and all of third year). These subjects enable students to further their knowledge of concepts encountered in the core subjects and broach other disciplinary fields. The organisation of these semesters allow students to pursue greater specialisation or opt for a more balanced approach.
7 specialisations to choose from
Option Aéronautique
Tracks: Acoustics | Control | Materials | Propulsion
- Coordinators: J. Boudet and O. Dessombz This option seeks to instil in students the knowledge and expertise needed in the design of an aircraft. Aeronautics [...]
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology option
Filières : Bio-ingénierie | Nanotechnologies
- Coordinators: E. Laurenceau and B. Vilquin This option provides students with an interdisciplinary education in physics, chemistry and biology. It gives them [...]
Option Énergie
- Coordinators: J.-P. Cloarec and T.Aka This option offers a broad vision of energy in both its long term and its current industrial and social implications. It [...]
Ecological Transition and Territories option
- Coordinators: A.Emmanuelli and E. Vincens At a time when the ecological transition is inviting human beings to reconcile themselves with their natural [...]
Computer Science option
- Coordinators: M. Ardabilian and D. Muller This specialisation seeks to meet the challenges arising from the rapid development in digital solutions and [...]
Mathematics and Decision-Making option
- Coordinators: M. Bonnivard and P.Thimonier This option enlightens students to both the fundamentals of the most common mathematical models and [...]
Traffic and Transportation option
- Coordinators: O. Bareille and E. Couzineau This option is an open, broad-based education on the issues of transportation. It cuts across various disciplines [...]
6 professions to choose from
Ingénieur·e consultant·e
- Coordinator: P.Thimonier This comprehensive and wide-ranging course moulds the student into a consummate professional. It seeks to endow the student with the [...]
Eco-design and innovation engineer
- Coordinator: O. Dessombz This course demonstrates the connection of three complementary disciplines and their industrial applications. It covers [...]
Ingénieur·e Excellence Opérationnelle (Lean Supply Chain)
- Coordinator: E. Couzineau This profession-based course seeks to train engineers who will be able to organise, improve and guide production systems or supply [...]
Engineer in industrial and environmental risk management
- Coordinator: P. Salizzoni This course aims to provide future engineers with the necessary knowledge to identify potential hazards (natural or technological) [...]
Research, development and innovation engineer
- Coordinator: J. Penuelas This course provides students with the fundamental skills of an engineer involved in research, development and innovation, along with [...]
Intrapreneur and entrepreneur engineer
- Coordinator: M.Goyon This course is aimed at those students looking to create value through the development of new businesses, whether in an entrepreneurial [...]
A wide array of courses to build a career
2nd year (semester S8)
In second year, students can choose five courses from among the near 60 offered.
3nd year (semester S9)
In third year, students can choose nine courses, one profession and one specialisation.
- 6 courses from among the over 50 offered (in autumn).
- 1 profession from 6 (in autumn).
- 3 courses from among the over 30 offered (in winter).
- 1 specialisation from 7 (in winter)