Research fields: silicon microelectronic devices, photovoltaic solar energy conversion devices based on amorphous silicon, III-V compound semiconductor microelectronic devices. His current research interests are focused on Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) based on III-V compound Semiconductors, Micro-Nano-Photonics especially based on Photonic Crystals, for Optical Interconnections, Telecommunications and sensors and on the active/passive III-V/Silicon heterogeneous (or hybrid) photonic integration.
Author of around 170 articles in International Journals, 170 publications in International Conferences, 73 invited Conferences, 6 book chapters and 8 patents.
Emeritus CNRS Research Director since 2012, he has pioneered a new route for photonic engineering, founded on the concept of symmetry breaking.