Pascal Ferrand is doctor in Mathematics from the University
of Aix-Marseille and docteur es sciences from the Claude Bernard
University – Lyon-I. He is Senior Researcher at the French CNRS
and conducts his research at the Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
Laboratory (LMFA) at École Centrale de Lyon. Throughout his
career, he has favoured the promotion of research through the
creation of the Fluorem spin-off with Stéphane Aubert. He has
specialised in the coupling fluid – structure in turboengines, and
the risk evaluation linked to the breaking of aeronautic engines and
spatial turbopumps. He keeps close research ties with KTH, the
University of Sherbrooke and École polytechnique de Montréal.
Pascal Ferrand
CNRS Research Director EmeritusMFAE/LMFA