Jean-Pierre Cloarec is a chemical engineer and holds a PhD in Materials Engineering. He teaches chemistry, environment and health sciences at École Centrale de Lyon since 2000. He is a member of the Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology (INL). His research interests focus on surface functionalisation and molecular interactions at solid/liquid interface. These activities are applied to the development of new molecular diagnostic tools (biosensors, biochips). He worked with health professionals, such as the Henri Mondor hospital (Créteil, France) on cystic fibrosis, and the French Blood Transfusion Centre – Rhône-Alpes on blood typing. He also develops partnerships with specialists of component technologies, in the fields of electronics and photonics. He worked in Quebec for a few years, at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and Concordia University during his PhD, and as visiting researcher at Sherbrooke University, where he developed collaborations with the joint France-Quebec LN2 CNRS lab.
As a Pedagogical Experimentation Referent, Jean-Pierre experiments with various learning formats to link engineering science practices to issues of human relations, the environment, cultures (disciplinary, national, corporate, etc.): role-playing, controversial debates, problem-based learning, case studies. Its support is oriented towards the construction of pedagogical scenarios to help students mobilise their knowledge and know-how in various contexts.