Gérard Scorletti received his Engineering degree from École
nationale supérieure de techniques avancées (ENSTA), France,
and obtained his PhD in Automatic Control from the University
of Orsay, France, in 1997. He was research associate at the
Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium (1997–98) and from
1998 to 2007, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at
the University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France. Currently, he
is Professor of Automatic Control and Signal Processing at École
Centrale de Lyon, France, with a permanent joint appointment
with the Ampère Laboratory (Team Automatic Control and
Mechatronics, Department of Methods for System Engineering).
His research interests in automatic control include analysis and
control of uncertain systems using convex optimisation with their
applications to engineering.
Gérard Scorletti
Head of the Electronics - Electrical Engineering - Control Systems Departement (EEA)Professor of automatic control and signal processing (CNU 61)EEA/Ampère