After a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the Charles
University of Prague, Czech Republic, Bertrand David studied the
technical and theoretical aspects of computing at the Institute of
Programming of Grenoble and pursued his MSc and PhD at the
University of Grenoble. He then worked as a researcher for ten
years at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
before joining École Centrale de Lyon as Professor of Computer
Science. After his initial research studies addressed CAD/CAM
integrated systems design and implementation, his research
interests include human - computer interaction (HCI), computer
supported collaborative work (CSCW), software engineering,
e-learning and more recently mobile cooperative systems, wearable
computing, pervasive environments and ambient Intelligence. His
main current field of investigation is Smart City. He co-founded
and headed for eight years the Interaction and Cooperation for
Telelearning and Teleworking (ICTT) multidisciplinary research lab
involving ICT, humanities and social sciences.
Bertrand David
Professor Emeritus of computer science (CNU 27)MI/LIRIS