
Corporate Connections

From regional SMBs to multinational partnerships, corporate connexions are part of life in Ecole Centrale de Lyon: the heads of companies help to steer the development of the School and assure that the programs offered by the School are well-poised to meet the demands of the economy.

In addition, companies play an important role in the education at the Ecole, accepting students for internships as well as being involved in conferences and lectures, thereby being present in all aspects of the curriculum in Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Their involvement in the Ecole is also a means for them to promote themselves to the students as a choice company for a career.

Finally, the Ecole develops research contracts with the biggest groups such as PME and accompanies researchers in their projects to establish companies.

The laboratories of the Ecole has generated a revenue of 12 million Euros in partnership research and some have become external research hubs of business sectors.