Formerly a student of Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan (agrégation in 1991), Damien Constant obtained a PhD in mechanics in the field of design in 1996. He is an Associate Professor in the Solid mechanics, mechanical engineering and civil engineering Department (MSGMGC.), where he is responsible for the mechanical technology team. Heavily implicated in the day to day running of the school, he was a key player in the semestrialisation of the engineering syllabus. He also taught a mechanical engineering module for two years before creating and coordinating the part-time-in-industry energy engineering course, which welcomed its first students in September 2012. Adept in education innovation, he is currently reshaping certain modules with the support of the Learning Lab.
Damien Constant
Professeur agrégé in industrial engineering sciences, PhD in mechanicsIn charge of the energy engineering curriculumMSGMGC