Frederic Gaffiot graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in Applied Physics. He joined the Institute of Nanotechnology in Lyon (previously Laboratory of Electronics, Optoelectronics and Microsystems) at Ecole Centrale de Lyon and received the PhD degree in Micro-Electronics in 1987. He was an Associate Professor and became a full time Professor in 2001. His research fields have successively involved power devices, computer architectures, mixed-signal circuit and multi physics design, optical interconnects and SoC design, wireless sensor networks. He is author of more than 100 reviewed journal or proceeding papers.
He has been Dean for the Research at Ecole Centrale de Lyon from 2003 till 2005. In 2008, he joined the Region Rhone Alpes and he was in charge of research and innovation policies. He then joined the LyonBiopole cluster as scientific director (2012-2013). He was back to Region Rhone Alpes as a Director for Research, Higher Education and Innovation (2013-2018).