Marie Goyon is a Teacher and Researcher in Social Sciences, attached to the SHLS department.
She teaches in SHS, Ethics, S8, Masters, 3A and UE Projects. She is responsible for the IIE Intrapreneur Entrepreneur Engineer Profession, as well as the Intraprendre Course in 3rd year. She was scientific and technical manager of the IDEFI GEN IDEA (Innovation Design Entrepreneurship and Arts) between 2016 and 2018, responsible in particular for the Joint Master's Program with the EML Business School.
Doctor in Sociology and Anthropology (University Lumière Lyon2), she is a member of the Laboratory Environment City Society EVS UMR5600, Labex IMU and Coordinator of Workshop 3, Objects and Urbanization
His areas of specialization: anthropology of material culture (design, status and roles of objects, techniques and uses). His research focuses in particular on fablab and maker initiatives in their social and political dimensions, as well as on their role in the process of innovation and so-called “open” design.