Julien Scheibert

CNRS Research Director (Section 9)STMS/LTDS

A graduate of the Magistère de sciences de la matière at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and the Université Claude-Bernard Lyon-I, and agrégé de sciences physiques, Julien Scheibert obtained his doctorate in condensed matter physics from the Université Paris-VI in 2007. He is currently director of research at CNRS, within the Tribology and Systems Dynamics Laboratory (LTDS). His research interests lie at the interface between physics and mechanics, with the aim of establishing a quantitative link between experiments and modelling. His work has successively focused on :

- human tactile perception, and in particular the role of fingerprints in the perception of fine textures ;
- the rapid fracture of brittle heterogeneous solid materials ;
- the sliding dynamics of contact interfaces between rough solids.

Julien Scheibert has developed a recognised expertise in the contact mechanics of dry and rough interfaces, particularly for soft materials such as elastomers. He is now developing metainterfaces, the microstructure of which is optimised to provide tailor-made friction properties.